Thursday 8 September 2011


Kinds of Karma

i. Sanchita Karma or Total Accumulated Karma

This is the vast store of accumulated Karmas of all past lives (as a human being only). In other words this is the reserve of karma that one has accumulated over many lifetimes but which is not specifically active in this lifetime. Sanchita Karma may be indirectly seen in a man as his character, his tendencies, aptitudes, inclinations and desires. These inclinations are referred to as Samskaras which are akin to the 'unconscious mind' in psychoanalysis. The stronger samskaras that are very compelling are referred to as the vasanas .

•  Prarabdha or Fructifying Karma

It would be impossible as well as overwhelming to encounter all the results of past thoughts, actions and karmic entanglements in one lifetime. Hence only a portion of our past karma can be dealt with in one lifetime. All of Sanchita karma will not be experienced at one time. Only that portion which has 'become ripe' for experiencing in this life time is Prarabdha . That portion of our active Karmas allocated to us in this life, is called Prarabdha karma . Thus Prarabdha is considered fate or destiny and is active karma which must be met in the present lifetime. This basic destiny pattern is considered to be unalterable. It is the fruit of our past actions that are being reaped in this life. The natal horoscope reveals Prarabdha only. Anyone who is familiar with the accuracy and insights provided by astrology cannot deny that the natal birth chart reveals the fundamental pattern of life at least in symbolic language.

•  Kriyaman or Current Karma

This is the fresh karma that we do in this life. It is the karma we are now making in this very lifetime. This is the area that man has freedom to determine the course of action. This determines our future lives. This is where the concept of free will comes. The horary chart reflects both the active prarabdha brought forth from past karmas as well as the kriyaman karma of this life. In other words the prasna (horary) chart is the latest karmic bank statement with regard to the query!

•  Agami Karma or Future Karma or Potential Karma

The karma that is coming, in other words, new actions that you contemplate as a result of your thoughts, the way you envision the future, is Agami Karma . Today's plans when executed could become a reality one day. Agami is the power of intent. Planning is Agami while execution is Kriyaman . Thus Agami (intent and planning) leads to Kriyaman (freshly executed actions of the present) which becomes Sanchita (accumulated) to later surface as Prarabdha (destiny).

Thus Sanchita karma manifests in two ways - firstly, as Prarabdha or the so called destiny, and secondly, as the Samskaras or character or unconscious tendencies.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article. I find myself feeling a little guilty of falling into your trap of how you get people to comment on your blogs. Besides that I really like a couple of ideas you present.

