Tuesday 2 June 2009

Svadhishtana - balancing it out

The Sex Chakra is situated at the base of the genital organ with six vermilion petals. In the pericarp is the water element, stainless and luminously white, in the shape of a crescent half moon with the bija mantra Vam. Vishnu is the deity of the second chakra.

The second chakra is called the sexual chakra because sexual energy is believed to originate here. However, it is more than just a sex chakra, it is also the seat of creativity. Sexual energy relates to energy exchanges between two or more people.

Crystal Rejuvenation     

When the second chakra is off-balanced, a person could appear listless. A blocked second chakra can inhibit the expression of emotion and your interest in sexuality. Conversely, an excessively stimulated second chakra can cause emotions to rule your being and create a state of confusion and disatisfaction.

The second chakra also represents our relationship with nature and all the plants and creatures thereof.

The musical note for the second chakra is D and the mantra is "vam." Chanting this mantra in the key of D can assist in accessing the second chakra.

The color for this chakra is orange, and orange is the color of emotion.

The second chakra presides over our vital, sensual body and governs sexuality, emotions, instincts, food, and general communication of the body with the consciousness that lives within.

The sense of taste is associated with the second chakra.

The astrological sign of Cancer is associated with the second chakra.

The second chakra houses emotional consciousness, animal instincts, and tribal consciousness. This chakra represents the mammalian portion of our brain. It is also responsible for sexual health and healthy sexual organs. Vital, active and healthy sexual experience enhances our personality by encouraging a radiant and magnetic expression of self.

When the second chakra is clear and/or balanced, we feel secure within ourselves and feel the connection with family, friends, and the entire planet. We also feel at home within our bodies and are able to communicate with our inner self. A balanced second chakra facilitates trust in our instincts and our gut feelings. Also, our sex life is expressed naturally and in balance and we eat healthy foods in the correct amounts for our body's needs.

When the second chakra is unclear or off-balance, we feel impotent or possibly "over" sexed. Enjoyment of sex may be diminished (with an out of balance second chakra) or we might use sex as a way to avoid emotions. We may feel alienated from others and even uncomfortable within our home. Fear and anger can result and that can makes us feel anxious and/or depressed. 

The Swadisthana, or Sex Chakra, is located at the sacrum and is also called the sacral chakra.
It is located in the pelvic area between the pubis and navel.
Its name means "abode of the vital force" or "dwelling place of the self."