Tuesday 8 November 2005



In each life, we have mother, father, brothers, sisters, spouse, children and so on. We are born in a family as a result of undischarged debts of past lives. Constantly we are creating accounts, debiting and crediting. We are creating Karmic debts with all those with whom we interact. The Karmic debts ( rna ) lead to bondage or attachment ( bandha ). These Karmic attachments pull us into the wheel of existence again and again. Rnanubandha (the bond that results from Karmic debts) is at the root of repeated lives.

Two people meet for reasons very specific than we can easily imagine or fathom. The only way to sense the true purpose of relationships are subtle coincidences that are hidden at almost every corner. We feel a sense of trust and attraction for an individual without reason.
Sometimes, things happens for no apparent reason. Only the wise ones can feel the vibrations of Rna's play.
The reason why the ignorant ones cannot see through the play is that most of the other relations are actually Maya's usual play. The worldly ones fall into this trap just through biological and societal needs. Parents first, wife next, kids, grandkids, and the show goes on. Each stage entraps the helpless soul, until it is too late and life ends and we move on to the next life.

Karma leads to rna and rna leads to Karma . It works both ways. If you have given something to somebody in some life, the memory is stored in your causal body. That person will be your debtor in this birth. If you have taken in the past, it will be taken from you in some birth. If you have given in the past it will come back to you later. The causal body stores the memory of all of one's rnanubandhas of countless births. Till all the karma stored in the causal body is burnt away or exhausted, there is no liberation from rebirth. Human life is nothing but a memory of rnanubandha , the story of the countless karmas that we make, and live through. Every relationship reflects some rnanubandha . The people with whom we have very strong rnanubandha become our parents, spouse, children and co-borns in this life. In most relationships it is our rna that ensures a complementary fit, just like a lock and key.

The citta (unconscious mind) holds these emotional memories or subliminal impressions that drive one to act or seek. They are more like vague impressions rather than clear memories. The memory of Karmic debts may be sweet or bitter. Sweet memories of karmic debts lead to a 'happy' relationship and bitter memories to an 'unhappy' relationship. In reality most of the karmic debts are mixed, a mixture of sweet and bitter memories. That is why most relationships are of a mixed nature. I will try to explain briefly two kinds of relationships that are most significant: parent/child and love/marriage relationships.

One who has taken a lot in some life has to give in the present life. In such a case, one of the
m will always be giving (money, love, care, etc.) and the other receiving.