Friday 22 November 2002

Yantra kundalini

At the center of the yantra is the goddess Kundalini coiled around a linga within a downward pointing yoni triangle. This rests on the two intersecting triangles placed over two intersecting squares, which represents the union of Kundalini Shakti with her Shiva. On the eight lotus petals are the six chakras, the Sahasrara and the yantra of Shiva and Shakti in union. 
  “We call this freed Kundalini by a special name: the Kula Kundalini. Like every Sanskrit word, the word kula has many different meanings. Its most important meaning here is ‘Supreme Consciousness of the Universe.’ It also refers to ‘form,’ because the job of the Kundalini Shakti, the Supreme Consciousness, is to finitize, to give form and limits. 

“In the astral sense kula means ‘family.’ The Kula Kundalini, the Kundalini once she uncoiled and straightened out along the Six Chakras, takes the form of the Goddess Who is meant to be worshipped by the family into which you have been born. Kundalini is by herself formless and pure, but when She moves through the body She must be qualified, possessed of attributes, so She takes the form of one of the Great Goddesses and guides you. The particular form She takes is determined by your ancestry. Then you realize why you were born into a particular family, which allows you to understand your karmic debts, which in turn gives you knowledge of your past births.